CACSC Events

Child Abuse Awareness Month
April is nationally recognized as Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month. Join CACSC throughout the month, as we seek to educate and empower our community to get involved.

April 4th: Annual Spring Luncheon, hosted by Women of Courage
Keynote Speaker is Kevin Mulcahy!
Women of Courage serve as ambassadors for children victimized by abuse through increasing awareness, promoting prevention and strengthening the coordinated efforts of the CACSC.

April 12th: Battle of the Badges
Join the fanfare at Faulkner Park, as we watch Tyler Police Dept. and Fire Dept. compete in their annual softball tournament, benefitting the Children’s Advocacy Center of Smith County!
CACSC will be participating in East Texas Giving Day, an 18-hour online giving event organized by the East Texas Communities Foundation.

Sept 3rd-4th: Bling-O
Bling-O, a ladies-night-out of Bingo played for designer purses, is a fun night of games, food, and fellowship. The event will include a silent auction as well as many additional games, a chance drawing for a Louis Vuitton purse and more fun surprises. Come enjoy the evening and see if you can take home a little bling from Bling-O!

Sept 8th: Sheriff Larry R. Smith’s Smiles FORE Kids Golf Tournament
At Hideaway Lake Club

November 25th-December 6th: Holiday of Hope
Generous people like you make sure children and their families who have experienced the unthinkable will wake up Christmas morning to gifts and much-needed items that they would not otherwise receive!
Giving hope to victims only happens with the help of people like you.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, our ability to help children victimized by abuse hinges upon the generosity of individuals, businesses, foundations, and community organizations who see the need and choose to stand in the gap.