Rainbow Room

Children victimized by abuse often struggle to get their basic needs met. The Rainbow Room at the CACSC is where victims & families turn for help.

And they won’t get it without the help of people like you.

Meeting basic needs for child abuse victims in Tyler TX and Smith County TX
Rainbox Room emergency resource center for child abuse victims in Smith County and Tyler Texas

How The Rainbow Room Helps Child Abuse Victims

The Rainbow Room ensures child abuse victims have their basic needs met.

Here are a few of the ways the Rainbow Room helps:

New car seats

Pack-n-play cribs


Cleaning products

Gift cards

(for food, clothing, shoes, emergency gas, etc)

Provide emergency resources for child abuse victims in Smith County and Tyler Texas

How You Can Help Child Abuse Victims

When you order items off the CAC Wish List, they’re shipped directly to the CAC. And from there, they go to kids in need.

Click the button below to check out our CACSC Amazon Wish List!



Giving hope to victims only happens with the help of people like you.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, our ability to help children victimized by abuse hinges upon the generosity of individuals, businesses, foundations, and community organizations who see the need and choose to stand in the gap.

Child Advocates Tyler Texas