Trauma Impacts More Than Just the Child

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Trauma impacts more than just the child.


Grace and Peter* were only eight and five years old when they first entered the doors of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Smith County (CACSC). After a trusted adult reported suspicions about their father, the kids were brought to the Center for forensic interviews. Feeling the tension of loyalty and fear, they were terrified to reveal their father was the one hurting them. However, with a past as a sexual offender, the father confessed and was charged for the abuse of his children. The siblings’ world had turned upside down. In response, the Center provided therapy for both children, supporting them through processing the confusion and pain brought by their dad. The staff compassionately walked alongside the kids through staggering life changes, such as moving in with their grandmother amidst the court case. As she became their primary caregiver, she saw first-hand that trauma impacts more than just the child.

*fictional names


This is why the Children’s Advocacy Center services also extend beyond the victim.


The safety and health of a child will always be our top priority. This mission frequently creates an opportunity for the lives of an entire family or community to be restored through services offered at the CACSC.

Abuse often leaves a wake of shock and betrayal and becoming the caregiver of two young children is a massive undertaking. Thankfully, their grandmother was able to find additional support and resources at the CACSC through a Peer Support Group. She also received therapy to help begin the healing process for herself and her grandchildren. The ripple effect continued throughout their family, as the children’s mother also joined the CACSC support group, giving the entire family an opportunity to heal and move forward to a healthier life.


A ripple effect of hope and healing.


Because of your generosity, countless families like Grace and Peter’s can find the care, training, and resources that are necessary to heal from trauma. Your gift will allow the Children’s Advocacy Center to reach families in our community searching for safety, healing, and justice. You are the light of hope to Smith County families in their darkest moment.



Giving hope to victims only happens with the help of people like you.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, our ability to help children victimized by abuse hinges upon the generosity of individuals, businesses, foundations, and community organizations who see the need and choose to stand in the gap.

Child Advocates Tyler Texas