Katie’s Story

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Fifteen-year-old Katie* came to the Children’s Advocacy Center of Smith County (CACSC) after a chaotic childhood filled with unsafe adults who modeled dangerous behaviors with no boundaries. With this background, Katie fell victim to a relationship with a much older man who was later arrested by law enforcement. Katie considered this man her boyfriend, which made her resistant to the services provided by CACSC when she came for a forensic interview and a sexual assault medical examination.

Fortunately, Katie talked to a trusted friend, Amy*, who encouraged her to give the CACSC a try, sharing how wonderful staff members helped her heal from her own trauma.

Katie returned to the Center and agreed to meet with Lisa, the CACSC Nurse Practitioner. Lisa listened as Katie explained that she felt she had no control over her situation. Sitting together in the examination room, Lisa gently explained the medical exam procedure, emphasizing Katie’s ability to say no to anything that made her feel uncomfortable. Lisa talked through the purpose of each test, explaining that the goal was to ensure Katie was physically healthy and in control of the situation. After a lengthy conversation, Katie agreed to the examination.

Afterwards Lisa educated Katie on grooming techniques that perpetrators use to mislead children, and on the importance of choosing healthy relationships for herself, both now and in the future. Lisa urged Katie to consider talking to a CACSC therapist, sharing her own experience with therapy and how it helped her. A few weeks later, Katie came back to visit Lisa, joyfully sharing that she had begun therapy because the encouraging words of the Nurse Practitioner gave her hope.

“You were the nicest person to me when no one was before I came here,” Katie said. Because of the positive encouragement she found at the CACSC, Katie now feels empowered to make healthy choices toward healing and a hopeful future. Each of the unique services at the Center ensure more children and young people know that they deserve to have a voice and that they can heal from all that has happened to them. 

*fictional names



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